Location: Jl. Trembesi Blok D4, Pademangan, Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: Gloria / 26 / swimming poll
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furniture :
Ac 2
Tempat tidur
Sofa bed
Kitchen set
Mesin cuci
Peralatan makan
Water heater
Toiletries (tisu, sabun, shampo, sikat gigi)
Sendal kamar
Free wifi dengan kecepatan yang sangat bagus
Facility: Kolam renang anak dan dewasa, gym, playground, kolam seluncur, lounge, mini cinema, sauna, laundry, minimarket, ATM, dll
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di tengah kota, akses langsung ke bandara dan tol dalam kota, dekat PRJ, dekat tempat wisata ancol, dufan, sea word dll, dekat pusat perbelanjaan mangga dua, dekat ke beberapa sekolah internasional seperti Jubilee school, Gandhi international school & universal international school.
Bebas macet, bebas banjir dan bebas three in one.
Disekitar apartemen terdapat food court yg menjual aneka berbagai makanan, ATM dan minimarket.
Dekat lapang golf bandar, kemayoran
Rental Price:
Harga Rp 350.000 / malam
Bisa untuk 1-3 orang
Ketentuan : Chek in minimal jam 2 siang, chek out maksimal jam 12 siang.
Location: Komplek Villa Permata Gading – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. 5 menit dari Mall Kelapa Gading
Number of Floor: 2
Size: 400 m2
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 3
Condition: Fully furnished and service. Rumah baru, bersih, rapi.
Facility: 5 air conditioner, 1 water heater, kitchen, taman, kolam renang, fully service.
Additional Info: Untuk acara kumpul keluarga sebelum dan sesudah perkawinan, tehpay, arisan, liburan dari luar kota di Villa Exclusive Kelapa Gading. Perumahan exclusive, aman dan bersih dengan fasilitas lapangan bulu tangkis, basket ball dan jogging.
Rent Charge: Rp 2.000.000 s/d Rp 2.500.000 per hari (tergantung lamanya sewa)
Tower/Floor/View: Multi view (Sanfransisko Bay, Manhatan Bay, Santamonika Bay, Miami Bay, Hawaian Bay
Size: 35, 37,45 m2
Bedroom: 35m2, 37m2, 45m2
Bathroom: Studio, 2 BR
Condition: Fully furnished with comfy minimalist design style. Very comfortable and memorable unit. Bedroom set with wardrobe, 3 units AC, sofa, dining table and chairs, LCD TV, washing machine, kitchen set, dispenser, refrigerator, rice cooker, microwave. Bathroom with water heater.
Facility: 24-hours Security, Parking Area, Swimming Pools, Fitness Center, Children Playground, Carrefour, Blitz Megaplex, Salon and Spa, Dentist, Indomaret, Jogging Track, Laundry, Business and Store Complex, ATM Center, Internet and TV Cable Provider
Additional Info:
Walking distance to Mall of Indonesia, Mall Artha Gading, IBI University, Mitra Keluarga Hospital. 30 minutes to Airport. Easy to reach many tourism area in Jakarta, like Ancol, Taman Mini, Monas, etc.
Saat Chek-in kondisi unit dibersihkan ulang, Gas & Galon kondisi penuh.
Sewa Harian/Mingguan kami sediakan Handuk
Sewa Bulanan setiap 2 Minggu kami ganti Sprei & Bed Cover
Rent Charge:
Type 35 sqm, 37 sqm, 45 sqm 2 BR
1 Day = Rp 500.000 s.d Rp 650.000
3 Days = Rp 1.500.000 s.d Rp 1.800.000
Weekly :
1 Week : Rp 2.500.000 sd 3.500.000
2 Week : Rp 5.000.000 sd 6.000.000
3 Week : Rp 6.500.000 sd 7.000.000 (Including Maintenance, Water and Electricity)
1 Month :Rp 5.500.000 sd 7.000.000
3 Month :Rp 16.500.000 sd 20.000.000
6 Month :Rp 30.000.000 sd 40.000.000
1 Years: Rp 55.000.000. 70.000.000-(Excluding Maintenance, Water, Electricity and Parking Fees)
Condition: Furnished. With refrigerator, stove, water heater.
Facility: Swimming pool.
Additional Info: Kami menyewakan apartemen dengan jaminan harga dan fasilitas terbaik, semua fasilitas sudah tersedia handuk, sikat gigi, pasta gigi, sabun, shampo, tersedia juga extra bed.
Apartment Name: Gading River View, City Home, Frenchwalk, Gading Resort Residence
Location: Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya, Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: Hawaian Bay, Miami Bay, Santa Monika Bay, Manhattan Bay, Sanfransisko Bay, Loudres Garden, Nice Garden, Lyon Garden, Paris Garden, Evian Garden
Size: 35, 37, 45, 83, 85, 88, 105,110, 115 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR, 2+1 BR. 3+1 BR
Bathroom: 1/2/3
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with comfy minimalist design style. Very comfortable and memorable unit. Bedroom set with wardrobe, 3 units AC, sofa, dining table and chairs, LCD TV, washing machine, kitchen set, dispenser, refrigerator, rice cooker, microwave. Bathroom with water heater.
Facility: 24-hours Security, Parking Area, Swimming Pools, Fitness Center, Children Playground, Carrefour, Blitz Megaplex, Salon and Spa, Dentist, Indomaret, Jogging Track, Laundry, Business and Store Complex, ATM Center, Internet and TV Cable Provider.
Additional Info: Walking distance to Mall of Indonesia, Mall Artha Gading, IBI University, Mitra Keluarga Hospital. 30 minutes to Airport. Easy to reach many tourism area in Jakarta, like Ancol, Taman Mini, Monas, etc.
Selling Price: Call for detail
Rent Charge:
Type 35 sqm, 37 sqm, 45 sqm: 2 BR
1 Day: Rp 600.000 s.d Rp 650.000
3 Days: Rp 1.650.000 s.d Rp 1.800.000
1 Week: Rp 3.000.000 sd 4.200.000
2 Weeks: Rp 5.500.000 sd 6.000.000
3 Weeks: Rp 6.500.000 sd 7.000.000
Including maintenance, water and electricity
1 Month: Rp 5.500.000 sd 7.000.000
3 Months: Rp 16.500.000 sd 20.000.000
6 Months: Rp 30.000.000 sd 40.000.000
1 Years: Rp 55.000.000 sd 70.000.000
Excluding maintenance, water, electricity and parking fees
Type 83 sqm, 85 sqm: 2+1 BR
1 Month: Rp 11.000.000 sd 14.000.000
1 Years: Rp 95.000.000 sd 110.000.000
Excluding maintenance, water, electricity and parking fees
Type 110 sqm, 115 sqm: 3+1 BR
1 Month: Rp 14.000.000 sd 18.000.000
1 Year: Rp 115.000.000 sd 125.000.000
Excluding maintenance, water, electricity and parking fees